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The Ozarks and South 11th Street

South Eleventh Street with shacks in the background. My sister Vicky, 1955

Grandad, Walter Napoleon Crain on South Eleventh St.

Grandad was an Ozark Farmer who worked from dawn to dusk behind a team of mules.

Walter Napoleon Crain, Grandad, an Ozark Farmer who never wanted anything but a new pair of overalls once a year.

Betty Jo, my Mother, on a porch in the Ozarks

Betty Jo, my beautiful and creative mother as a young girl with her brother Glenn Ellis Crain.

Betty Jo as a teenager with a group of her friends in The Ozarks. My Mother is in the center on the shoulders of her friend. Around 1940.

Ernest and Betty Jo, Mother and Daddy, when they first married in the Ozarks (1943)

Ernest Pennell, my Daddy as a boy at Cyclone School in the Ozarks. (front row, far left)

Jimmy and me with Daddy, Ernest Pennell. About 1951

Ernest Pennell as a young man. He was a master mechanic and I called him 'Daddy'.

Ernies's Motorway with the flying red horse.

Ernest Pennell and his brother, Don, as young men.

In the Ozarks, I was not afraid of wolves. Taken in Granny's yard in Oxly, MO.

Barbara, 8, by the garden on South 11th Street. Notice the outhouse to the left and the railroad tracks behind the garden. 1955

South 11th Street neighborhood girls as we played 'dress-up' in our back yard. (I'm 2nd from right) I jumped off the shed behind us with an umbrella to see what would happen. 1958

I learned to wash clothes in an old wringer/washer that sat in our back yard. We also bathed in those wash tubs. 1958

Our house was the nicest on South 11th St. Until I was 12, there was no indoor bathroom.

Jimmy, Mike Ross and me in a Jon Boat when the boys made me paddle and I fell out. Taken during one of the floods on South 11th St.

My brother, Jimmy in front of Granny and Grandad's house next door.

Jimmy, Vicky, and me (back row, right) with a cousin. 1956

Jimmy, Vicky and me (back row, right) with cousins.

My sister, Vicky, as a young teenager.

Christmas on South 11th. Our tree (far right). 1957-58

My Old Angels, Granny and Grandad.
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